Sunday, 11 February 2018

Exercise & Health

Rapid fat loss

Circuit training is not dead-it has evolved. Instead of a world with machines, the new circuit includes multi-muscle movements that will fire up your metabolism and help you achieve greater results in less time. This workout is a perfect example of an upper body circuit designed to blast fat and leave you pumped.

How to do this workout
Perform the following workout 2-3 times per week. Make sure that you never perform these exercises on back-to-back days. Follow the list of upper body exercises and do them in circuit fashion. Perform each exercise for time. You do each for 30 seconds each with no rest in between.
 The entire workout is a circuit, meaning when you see a number with a letter next to it-such as 1A and 1B-it means the exercises should be performed as a group. Do one set of the first exercise, rest for the prescribed amount of time, and then do one set of the next exercise in the group. Repeat until you've completed all of your sets for each exercise, and then move on to the next group.
Circuit: Do 1 set of each exercise in a group consecutively, without rests in between. Once these exercises have been completed, repeat the circuit again - doing 1 set of each with no rests in between. Continue until prescribed number of total sets are performed
Strength: Complete all sets of an exercise at the same time with rests in between. Then move to the next exercise.
Superset: Two moves done consecutively (like a circuit) with no rests in between.

1. Pushup
Keep your back flat throughout the movement.
Maintain a tight core for the duration of the movement.
Fully extend the elbows at the top of the push-up.

2, Alternating dumbbell row
Don't let your upper body rotate. Keep your shoulders square to the ground.
Avoid losing the proper path of motion. Row the dumbbells to the side of your rib cage.
Don't let your back round. Keep your back flat and core tight.

3. Swiss ball crunch
Avoid neck strain by touching your head very lightly.
Do not sit too low on the ball. Your abs should be stretched in the down position and fully contracted at the top.
Begin each rep with your abs stretched.
4. Barbell upright row
Do not let your elbows go over shoulder level. Stop the motion once your elbows are in line with your shoulders.
Avoid letting the bar drift away from your body. Keep the bar close.

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