Mumbai. A movie is such a tune while tuning the channel, which shows the days we came across. The name of the movie is 'Suryavansham'. This movie released 19 years ago has made a record of being telecast several times on TV. Many characters of the film, like Hira Thakur, Radha, Gauri and Major Ranjit, live on the lips of people. Whether there is any scene in the film or the dialogue has gone to the people. In the social media, many jokes have also been made about the film. However, the reason for the repeated re-entry of the film has come out.
Channel 100 Years of the purchased movie
The reason for repeatedly showing the film can be that the film was released on May 21, 1999, and the same year Max Channel was launched. Meaning both the movie and the channel had come in the same year. The second reason was also to show that the channel which came to this movie has kept its 100-year rights for it. That is why this movie is shown repeatedly. Let me tell that Amitabh Bachchan did double role in the film .
The most telecasting film is Suryavansham
Suryavanshma is the most telecasting film on the Indian movie channel. This movie is also very liked in the Rural Areas. On the occasion of 18 years of the film, Amitabh Bachchan himself praised the film by tweeting himself.
The film's lead actress is no longer in the world
The film's lead actress Saundaryya Raghu is no longer in this world. Beauty died on April 17, 2004 in a plane crash accident near Bangalore. Saundariya had stepped into the industry from the film 'Gandharva' in 1992. He worked in more than 100 films including Kannada, Telugu, Tamil and Malayalam. Saundariya had won 6 South Filmfare Awards. Though Suryavansham was the first and last Bollywood movie of Saundariya, who was active in South.
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