Wednesday, 31 October 2018

इन Mutual Funds ने एक साल में दिया 30% से ज्‍यादा रिटर्न, क्‍या आपको करना चाहिए यहां निवेश?

शेयर बाजार में पिछले कुछ महीने से चल रहे भारी उतार-चढ़ाव के बीच कुछ इक्विटी म्‍युचुअल फंडों ने निवेशकों की झोली भर दी है. कुछ म्‍युचुअल फंडों ने तो एक साल की अवधि में 30 फीसदी से ज्‍यादा का रिटर्न दिया है. हालांकि, इसी दौरान कुछ इक्विटी म्‍युचुअल फंड ऐसे भी रहे जिन्‍होंने निवेशकों को 30% से ज्‍यादा का नुकसान भी करवाया है. सही समय पर जिन निवेशकों ने हवा के रुख को समझ लिया उन्‍होंने चांदी काटी है.
ये है 30% से अधिक रिटर्न देने वाले इक्विटी म्‍युचुअल फंड
एक साल की अवधि में टाटा डिजिटल इंडिया फंड ने 37.68% कर रिटर्न दिया है. मतलब, अगर आपने 100 रुपये का निवेश एक साल पहले किया होता तो वह अबतक 137.68 रुपये हो गया होता. दूसरा, फंड है आईसीआईसीआई प्रूडेंशियल टेक्‍नोलॉजी फंड. इस फंड ने भी एक साल की अवधि में 36.35 फीसदी का रिटर्न दिया है. दोनों ही फंड सेक्‍टोरल म्‍युचुअल फंड हैं और इन्‍होंने टेक्‍नोलॉजी सेक्‍टर में ज्‍यादा निवेश किया हुआ है.

एक साल की अवधि में सबसे बेहतर रिटर्न देने वाले ये हैं टॉप 10 म्‍युचुअल फंड्स

क्‍या आपको इन सेक्‍टोरल फंडों में निवेश करना चाहिए?
अब सवाल उठता है कि एक साल की अवधि के दौरान सर्वश्रेष्‍ठ प्रदर्शन करने वाले इन म्‍युचुअल फंडों में आपको निवेश करना चाहिए? म्‍युचुअल फंड रिसर्च कंपनी वैल्‍यू रिसर्च के सीईओ धीरेंद्र कुमार कहते हैं कि सेक्‍टोरल फंडों में रिस्‍क ज्‍यादा होता है. कुछ साल पहले तक सबसे बेहतर रिटर्न फार्मा फंडों ने दिया था जबकि आज उनकी स्थिति ज्‍यादा अच्‍छी नहीं है. अगर कोई निवेशक परिस्थितियों को समझते हुए इनमें निवेश करता है तो संभव है वह बेहतर कमाई कर ले. हालांकि, ऐसे फंडों का परफॉरमेंस भविष्‍य में भी अच्‍छा रहेगा यह कहना मुश्किल है.
कुमार कहते हैं कि किसी भी निवेशक को कम रिस्‍क के साथ बेहतर रिटर्न अर्जित करने के लिए बेहतर डाइवर्सिफायड फंडों में निवेश करना चाहिए. ऐसे फंड जरूरत पड़ने पर ऐसे सेक्‍टर्स में अपना निवेश बढ़ाने के लिए स्‍वतंत्र होते हैं. यही कारण है कि वह कम जोखिम के साथ बेहतर रिटर्न अर्जित करते हैं.

Tuesday, 30 October 2018

  • Asia’s No. 1 online education platform.
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  • Only internationally accredited online university with over 200,000 international students across 135 countries.
  • Most preferred online degree by employers and recruiters across the globe.
  • Why Study Data Science?
    • Hottest career option for future. Harvard Business Review, termed it the sexiest job of the 21st century. Wired had famously quipped: “Tell your kids to be data scientists, not doctors.”
    • Humongous amount of data being generated by industry. There is a dearth of qualified professionals to make sense of this data.
    • A Data Scientist can work in a industry vertical he wants to and is not restricted to any particular sector. You could end up working in business, energy, supply chain,government, or healthcare. Pick what interests you.
    • Data is reshaping the landscape for many job roles, without knowledge of data it would be tough to sustain jobs in the future.
    • Why Amity’s PG Diploma in Data Science?
      • You gain a well-rounded foundation and deeper understanding to create solutions using ML & AI.
      • You master essential concepts and exceptional skills to train intelligent machines and AI systems effectively.
      • You attain practical mastery over a wide range of ML applications in healthcare, retail, financial services and manufacturing industries.
      • Candidates can complete the 12-months course of study through:
        • Recorded video lectures and other study material from faculty with real-world expertise
        • Optional contact sessions at Amity Campuses with industry mentors and experts to solve queries and doubts
        • Online coursework that includes case studies, mini-projects and assignments
        • Hands-on exercises in Python, R and Other Data tools
        • Work on real life data sets.
        • Capstone Data Science Project to work on practical business cases.
          • For whom
            • Working professionals in IT / Analytics / Statistics / Big Data / Machine Learning
            • Fresh graduates from Engineering / Mathematics / IT backgrounds
            • Professionals looking to develop skills to do statistical analysis to support decision making
            • Final year students completing their graduation on or before December 2019
              • Eligibility
                • BE / B.Tech / BCA / MCA / B.Sc. (Maths) / M.Sc (Maths) with a minimum of 50% aggregate marks is compulsory
                • Candidates with Mathematics, Statistics background will be given preference.
                • Minimum of two years full-time work experience after graduation or post-graduation is required.
                • For meritorious fresher students / Young Professionals (CGPA > 7/10), the work experience will be relaxed on the basis of application.
                • Course Curriculum12 months | 8 Modules

                  • Module I – Introduction to Data Science
                  • Module II – Introduction to Python and R
                  • Module III – Data Visualization techniques
                  • Module IV – Machine Learning Basics
                  • Module V – Machine Learning (Supervised Learning - I)
                  • Module VI – Machine Learning (UnSupervised Learning - II)
                    • Clustering
                      1. K-Means
                      2. K Nearest Neighbours
                      3. Association Rule Learning
                      4. Assignment & Case Study
                    • Dimensionality Reduction
                      1. Need for dimensionality reduction
                      2. Principal Component Analysis (PCA)
                      3. Singular Value Decomposition(SVD)
                      4. T-distributed Stochastic Neighbor Embedding (t-SNE)
                      5. Assignment & Case Study
                    • Reinforcement Learning
                      1. Markov Decision
                      2. Monte Carlo Prediction
                      3. Assignment & Case Study
                  • Module VII – Deep Learning
                  • Module VIII – Big Data Analytics
                    • 1. Fill up the Application Form
                    • 2. Screening call from Admission Director's Office basis on Profile
                    • 3. Final Application to be shared with Admission Committee for final selection
                    • Course Fee: Rs.1,45,000/-
                        By the end of the PGD-DS program, you will be able to
                        • Learn to make sense of organizational data, develop processes for managing data and use data to inform key business decisions
                        • Learn how to combine data visualization and predictive models to increase the accuracy of your predictions
                        • Learn to formulate a business question as a scientific hypothesis that can be tested using statistical methods
                        • Create and validate regression models that can be used to determine the effect of attributes on a decision and predict likely outcomes
                        • Gain the expertise to use a wide range of modern statistical tools and software packages like R, Python, Spark, Excel, MySQL,Hadoop
                        • Learn to do visual analytics with free access to paid software packages like Tableau
                        • Certification

                          Earn a Certificate of Post Graduate Diploma in Data Science ( PGD-DS) from Amity University.
                          Add the certificate to your CV and improve your job/business prospects

Monday, 29 October 2018

AIIMS Recruitment 2018: Apply for Faculty posts on; last date Nov 26

AIIMS Recruitment 2018: The last date for submission of the application form is November 26, 2018. The applicants may apply in the prescribed format for the posts. Image source: PTI

AIIMS Recruitment 2018: The All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS), Jodhpur, has issued recruitment notification the post of Professor, Additional Professor, Associate Professor and Assistant Professor. The last date for submission of the application form is November 26, 2018. The applicants may apply in the prescribed format for the posts.
The candidates must go through the official notification before appying for the posts. The applicants should make sure that they fulfil all the eligibilty criteria mentioned in the notification.
AIIMS Recruitment 2018: Vacancy details
Professor: 21 posts
Additional Professor: 26 posts
Associate Professor: 35 posts
Assistant Professor: 21 posts
Eligibility Criteria
Professor/ Additional Professor/ Associate Professor/ Assistant Professor
The candidates should posses Medical qualification included in the I or II schedule or part II of the third schedule to the Indian medical council Act of 1956.
For details, the candidates should go through the official notification.
Work experience: 
Professor: The candidates should have 12 years of teaching and/or research experience in recognised institution after obtaining the qualifying degree of M.Ch./D.M.
Additional Professor: The candidates should have 8 years teaching and/or research experience with recognized institution after obtaining the qualifying degree of D.M./ M.Ch.
Associate Professor: The applicants should have 4 years teaching and/or research experience with a recognised institutionafter obtaining D.M. /M.Ch.
Assistant Professor: The applicants should have 1 year teaching and/or research experience with a recognised institution after obtaining the qualifying degree of D.M. /M.Ch.
Age Limit:
For the posts of Professor/Additional Professor, the candidates should not be more than 58 years of age as of closing date.
For the posts of Associate Professor/ Assistant Professor, the candidates shou;d not be more than 50 years of age as of closing date.
further details.
How to apply:
The applicants can  submit  their  application  only through online mode.  The  Online  registration of application is made available on AIIMS, Jodhpur official website
Application Fee:
General/OBC Candidates - Rs.3,000/-
SC/ST Candidates - Rs.1,000/-

WhatsApp छोटे उद्यमियों को कारोबार बढ़ाने में करेगी मदद, जान कौन देगा साथ

प्रतीकात्मक तस्वीर
कन्फेडरेशन ऑफ इंडियन इंडस्ट्री (सीआईआई) ने छोटे और मध्यम उद्यमों (एसएमई) को प्रशिक्षण देने के लिए whatsapp से हाथ मिलाया है. इसके तहत उन्हें यह प्रशिक्षण दिया जाएगा कि वे किस प्रकार से वाट्सऐप बिजनेस एप की मदद से अपने कारोबार को बढ़ा सकते हैं. सोमवार को इसकी घोषणा की गई. फेसबुक के स्वामित्व वाली वाट्सऐप और सीआईआई मिलकर सीआईआई के प्रौद्योगिकी सुविधा केंद्र के माध्यम से भारतीय एसएमई के बिजनेस संचार को बढ़ाने के लिए काम करेंगे. 
इस केंद्र की स्थापना 2016 में की गई थी और इसका लक्ष्य एसएमई में प्रौद्योगिकी आधारित समाधानों को लेकर जागरुकता बढ़ाना है, ताकि वे और अधिक प्रतिस्पर्धी बन सकें. सीआईआई के कार्यकारी अध्यक्ष नीरजा भाटिया ने कहा, "यह केंद्र अपने प्रौद्योगिकी भागीदारों को अपने बाजार का विस्तार करने और देशभर के एसएमई तक अपने उत्पादों और सेवाओं को पहुंचाने का अवसर मुहैया कराएगा."
वाट्सऐप बिजनेस ऐप को जनवरी में पेश किया गया है, जिसका लक्ष्य एसएमई को अपने ग्राहकों तक अधिक प्रभावी ढंग से पहुंचाना है. दुनियाभर में वाट्सऐप बिजनेस ऐप का 30 लाख से ज्यादा लोग इस्तेमाल कर रहे हैं. 
वाट्सऐप के पब्लिक पॉलिसी मैनेजर बेन सपल ने कहा, "छोटे व्यापारों को अपने ग्राहकों से कहीं भी कभी भी जुड़ने की जरूरत होती है. वाट्सऐप बिजनेस ऐप से छोटे व्यवसाय बड़ी आसानी से और प्रभावी ढंग से अपने ग्राहकों के साथ जुड़ सकते हैं."
रेलवे से जुड़ी सूचनाएं भी whatsapp पर
वाट्सऐप पर अब ट्रेन की ताजा जानकारी हासिल कर सकते हैं. इसके लिए आपको केवल ट्रेन का नंबर डालना होगा, जिसके कुछ ही देर में ट्रेन से जुड़ी जानकारी आपको वॉट्सऐप  मिल जाएगी. आपको अपने फोन में 7349389104 नंबर को सेव करना होगा. इसे उस स्थान के नाम से सेव करना होगा जिससे उस ट्रेन को चलना है. इसके बाद आप किसी भी ट्रेन का नंबर इस नंबर पर सेंड कर उसके बारे में जानकारी हासिल कर सकते हैं. आपको ट्रेन की अपटेड स्थिति इस नंबर से मिल जाएगी.

SBI अगले 2 महीने में बंद कर देगा अपनी 4 सेवाएं, ग्राहकों के लिए जानना है जरूरी

अगले दो महीने में बंद हो जाएंगी एसबीआई की ये सेवाएं (फाइल फोटो)

सार्वजनिक क्षेत्र का सबसे बड़ा बैंक स्टेट बैंक ऑफ इंडिया (एसबीआई) अगले दो महीनों में अपनी 4 बैंकिंग सेवाओं को बंद करने जा रहा है. इन सेवाओं को बंद करने के संबंध में बैंक की ओर से घोषणा भी की जा चुकी है. SBI नगद निकासी पर कुछ प्रतिबंध लगाने की तैयारी कर रहा है. वहीं इसकी ऑनलाइन बैंकिंग सेवाओं में भी कुछ बदलाव होंगे. आइये जानते हैं SBI की सेवाओं में क्या बदलाव होंगे.
बंद हो जाएंगे SBI के ये डेबिट कार्ड
RBI के निेर्देशों के तहत बैंकों को अपने मैग्नेटिक स्ट्राइप आधारि एटीएम कार्ड को बंद करना है. इन एटीएम काड की क्लोनिंग होने की संभावना रहती है. RBI के निर्देशों को ध्यान में रखते हुए स्टेट बैंक 31 दिसंबर से अपने मैग्नेटिक स्ट्राइप आधारित एटीएम कम डेबिट कार्ड बंद करने जा रहा है. ऐसे में यदि आपके पास ऐसा कार्ड है तो जल्द से जल्द जा कर अपना कार्ड बदल लें. एसबीआई की ओर से चिप वाले कार्ड निशुल्क दिए जा रहे हैं.
SBI से पैसे निकालने में इन बातों का रखना होगा ध्यान
भारतीय स्टेट बैंक के ग्राहक 1 नवम्बर से एटीएम कार्ड के जरिए 20 हजार रुपये से अधिक की राशि नहीं निकाल सकेंगे. पहले बैंक के ग्राहक एटीएम के जरिए 40 हजार रुपये की राशि निकाल सकते थे. एसबीआई की ओर से कैशलेस व डिजिटल ट्रांजेक्शन को बढ़ावा देने के लिए यह व्यवस्था की जा रही है.
मोबाइल बैंकिंग में भी SBI कर रहा है ये बदलाव
यदि आपके अपना मोबाइल नम्बर बैंक खाते से लिंक नहीं कराया है तो आपकी इंटरनेट बैंकिंग सेवा या ऑनलाइन बैंकिंग सेवा बंद हो सकती है. इस बारे में बैंक की ओर से लगातार नोटिफिकेशन भेज कर ग्राहकों को जागरूक भी किया जा रहा है. अब तक जिन ग्राहकों ने अपना मोबाइल नम्बर लिंक नहीं कराया है उन्हें जल्द से जल्द अपना नम्बर लिंक करा लेना चाहिए.
बंद हो जाएगा SBI Buddyभारतीय स्टेट बैंक अपना मोबाइल वॉलेट SBI Buddy 1 नवम्बर से बंद करने जा रहा है. इस हालांकि बैंक के अनुसार इस वॉलेट सेवा को बंद किया जा चुका है. लकिन जिन ग्राहकों के पैसे इस वॉलेट में पड़े हैं वो पैसे कैसे वापस ले सकते हैं इस बारे में अभी कोई जानकारी नहीं है.

WATCH: Circus lion pounces on four-year-old girl in Russia, slashes her face

To watch the video try :

A circus lion pounced on a four-year-old girl, slashing her face with its paw, during a show in southern Russia on Sunday. The video of the incident shows the lion, held on a leash by the tamer, suddenly pounce on the girl who was standing near the safety net and waving a flag.
The girl was later hospitalised for treatment of her injuries. She was taken to a children’s hospital in the regional capital of Krasnodar with lacerations to her face and other injuries, reported AFP. A local official told RIA Novosti news agency that the lion did not bite the girl but lashed her with its paw.
Lion tamer and director of the Moscow Big Circus, Eduard Zapashny, criticised “criminal negligence” by the detained circus director and the “extremely unprofessional” tamer, in comments to National News Service radio station, the news agency reported.
Attacks like this are common in Russia where wild animals are used in circuses without proper regulation. During a circus show in Siberia in 2016, a leopard broke free and bit a woman. In 2012, a cheetah mauled a seven-year-old boy in the face and neck in the Moscow region. The same year, a tiger at a travelling zoo clawed a three-year-old boy in the head in far eastern Russia.

Priyanka Chopra’s bridal shower was all ‘love, laughter and a room full of amazing ladies’

Priyanka Chopra will soon tie the knot with American singer Nick Jonas.

The soon-to-be bride Priyanka Chopra on Tuesday shared some inside photos from her dreamy bridal shower. In her post, the actor thanked film producer Mubina Rattonsey and her manager Anjula Acharia, who organised the shower at New York’s Tiffany’s Blue Box Café.
“Love, laughter and a room full of amazing ladies…and some special gentlemen (what a special surprise)! Thank you so much @mubinarattonsey and @anjula_acharia for throwing me such a memorable bridal shower that broke all the rules! My amazing friends and family who made me feel so special and loved, thank you. And to top it off @tiffanyandco 😍 Perfect! Here’s sharing it with you…” wrote Priyanka.

See inside photos from Priyanka Chopra’s bridal shower

Priyanka Chopra looked gorgeous at her bridal shower.
Priyanka Chopra with mother Madhu Chopra and mother-in-law Denis Jonas.
Priyanka Chopra was all smiles at her bridal shower.
Priyanka Chopra shared this photo from her bridal shower on her Instagram account.
In the photos shared by the Quantico star, all the ladies at the shower can be seen letting their hair down and sharing laughter as they celebrate the togetherness of Nick Jonas and Priyanka. Later, the actor also posted videos where she can be seen swaying with mother Madhu Chopra, mother-in-law Denise Jonas, Kelly Ripa and Lupita Nyong’o. The others who were in attendance included Danielle Jonas and Kevin Jonas but Nick Jonas was missing from the gala evening.

Opt for self-drive vehicle, it will be cheaper than Ola, Uber cab services

Those opting for a self-drive vehicle, they do not have to worry about maintenance and insurance costs as they are taken care of by the vehicle providing companies. Reuters
Are cab hailing platforms throwing up unusually high fares for your next ride? Try hiring a self-drive car next time to save a few hundred rupees daily. For example, one-way travel between Sion and Bhayander (in Mumbai) using the ride-hailing platforms cost anywhere above Rs 600. This fare estimate depends on multiple factors of surge pricing which includes traffic congestion, availability of cabs, etc.
However, there have been instances wherein the actual fare has varied from the estimates shown on the mobile application. This primarily is due to congestion faced on the way to an individual’s destination.
“If an individual knows that s/he has an appointment or would be travelling on a particular date at a certain time, one can book a self-drive car, which turns out to be cheaper than Uber and Ola. This is even after factoring in fuel, toll payment and parking charges. Recently, I booked a self-drive car on a couple of occasions and saved a minimum of Rs 600 as compared to the estimates shown on Ola and Uber for having travelled around 70-80 kilometres (km),” said Jignesh Maniar, a self-drive car user.
But why does a self-drive vehicle turn out to be cost-effective as compared to cabs?
“The overall cost of operation for a self-drive car is lesser as compared to those of ride-hailing platforms. There is no cost for a driver in our case, which itself reduces the cost by 30-40%,” replies Greg Moran, co-founder and chief executive officer of Zoomcar, a self-drive company.
Agrees Sakshi Vij, founder and chief executive officer of Myles Cars. “The economics of the set-up is such that it doesn’t include costs for driver and fuel. Approximately, one-third of the cost gets reduced apart from providing flexibility to the individual,” she said.
The ride-hailing platforms also levy a certain percentage of commission ranging between 15%-25% to each of the driver-owners, thereby only adding to the cost.
Those opting for a self-drive vehicle, they do not have to worry about maintenance and insurance costs as they are taken care of by the vehicle providing companies.
The only catch for opting for a self-drive vehicle is that one should know the travel date and time beforehand as they accept bookings a few hours prior to the time of car needed by an individual. Secondly, self-drive cars aren’t cost-effective for one way travel. “People usually opt for cabs to travel distance in the range of 8-15 or 20 km. Whereas, our vehicles are chosen by people to cover 80-100 km in a day,” Moran told  DNA Money.

How Video Gaming Billionaire Jon Yarbrough Spends His Wealth

Many of his contemporaries would prefer to see him as a connoisseur in what happened to be his first source of passion. Right from his days at Tennessee Technical University, Jon Yarbrough combined his nous and entrepreneurial finesse into a trade.
Foosball to him was more than a leisure. He had a conceptual picture beyond the immediate gratification of owning a foosball table as a prized asset. As a student, he was reputed as an aficionado of foosball, and his clout soon earned him a deal with a local arcade in Cookeville.
He’d rent out his foosball table to the bar in agreement for a 50-50 profit ratio. Having latched onto the marketability of the niche, he soon purchased more foosball tables and pinball machines and rented to other arcades as well.
In 1991, he founded Video Gaming Technologies and created video games to suit the demand of tribal casinos. The proliferation of these casinos led to the boom of his company, and this was where he earned most of his fortune.
After successfully carving a niche for himself, he sold the business for $1.28 billion to Australian firm Aristocrat Leisure in October 2014 and delved into real estate, tech stocks, and other investments.

Jon Yarbrough Invests in Technology Companies

Jon Yarbrough sees tech stocks as the wisest investments anyone could delve into. His first stint was in 1987 when he invested $30,000 in Microsoft. He now has a net worth of $2.2 billion.
While sharing his views in an interview with Forbes, Yarbrough remarked on the phenomenal growth of his investments in Google, Facebook, Amazon, and Apple. The investments grew astronomically to $7 million during the dot-com bubble before losing about 80% of the fortune in the dot-com bust.
For Yarbrough, making investment decisions is more of a hobby than anything else. While many others take the Wall Street Journal as a business guide, Yarbrough reads it for the fun of it. He was, however, fortunate to have had his dad, a stock investor, hold his hands when he made his foray into tech stocks in 1986.
He got the basics on phantom stock investments in high school from him, and as they say, the rest is history.
At 61, Yarbrough is still willing to take risks and break new grounds in stock investments. He has been a staunch disciple of tech stocks as they make up 25% of his portfolio but remains open to investments in hedge funds, private equity, and lending funding.
Choosing tech stocks is easy for Yarbrough. The primary parameter he uses in choosing an investment is the company’s earnings to growth ratio. When a stock tends to grow fast with huge profit returns, he’s always willing to have a stake in them. 
Suffice it to say, he is not driven by the desire to acquire and sell them so quickly. He has been able to retain some of the stocks he acquired for three decades. He believes in long-term investments.
As for those willing to get started in investing, he proposes investments in the broad market exchange-traded fund but urges them to do it slowly over time.
“It can be discouraging if you put it all to work at once just before a market turndown.”
Indeed, with tech stocks taking a battering right now, one can only imagine how much of a dent it’s putting Jon Yarbrough’s wealth.

Indian Railways recruitment drive: 62907 posts available to job seekers; all details here

New Indian Railways recruitment drive: Railways has been facing manpower shortages for decades and many of its ground level employees work extra hours to ensure the train operations continue uninterrupted. However, the Indian Railways has been conducting exams for recruitment of staff at various levels. It is currently conducting one of the world's largest recruitment drives.
"Railway Recruitment Control Board (RRCB) has achieved a milestone of holding recruitment examination for over one crore candidates for recruitment to Level-1 posts (erstwhile Group D). In all, 1.89 crore candidates are to sit for this examination to compete for recruitment against 62907 vacancies of Level- 1 posts. This mammoth examination has been organized by Railway Recruitment Control Board for Indian Railways. The examination is being held in over 400 centers. Each day 3 to 4 lakh candidates appear at the examination and the attendance is over 60%. It will be completed in 51 days by end of December, 2018," said the railways.
Before this ongoing exam for Level- 1 posts, RRBs have also completed first stage Computer Based Test for 47.56 lakh candidates for ALP and Technician posts from 9th August to 4th September, 2018.
"Thus on current round of these two recruitments put together, the exam of more than 1.5 crore candidates has already been conducted so far," it added.
The Indian Railways has taken various steps to help candidates reach out their centre.
"Elaborate arrangements have been made by Indian Railways for this unprecedented scale of examination. The examination is online and each center is equipped with modern electronic devices so as to be as candidate friendly as possible. To ensure free and fair examination CCTV cameras have been installed in the examination halls. Apart from trained invigilators flying squads have been deputed to visit centers so that there is no unfair means adopted by any candidate. To help candidates reach the test centers, Google link map has been provided on the admit card," it said.
The railways is expected to announce the ALP/Technician results in the coming weeks. 

Sunday, 28 October 2018

Narendra Modi Mann Ki Baat: Peace doesn't only mean ''no war''

Narendra Modi Mann Ki Baat: Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Sunday, while stressing on the need to work "unitedly" to address issues like terrorism, climate change, economic development and social justice, said that peace does not mean "no war". This was the 49th episode of PM Modi's monthly radio address "Mann Ki Baat".  Here are a few PM Modi Mann Ki Baat quotes:
Modi: "Development of the poorest of the poor is the real indicator of peace." 
Modi: Wherever there will be a talk of world peace, India`s name and contribution will be written in golden letters.
Modi: "Indian soldiers showed it to the world that they are second to none if it comes to war. Our soldiers have displayed great valour in difficult areas and adverse conditions. There has just been a single objective behind it- Restoration of peace. The world witnessed a dance of death and devastation during the World War I."

Modi: "Around one crore soldiers and almost the same number of civilians lost their lives. This made the whole world realize and understand the importance of peace. The definition of peace has changed in the last hundred years. Today, peace does not only mean `no war'".

Modi: "Our country is also facing this problem (environment protection). But, for its solution we only have to look inwards, to look into our glorious past and our rich traditions and have especially to understand the lifestyle of our tribal communities. To live in consonance and closed coordination with the nature has been an integral part of our tribal communities. Our tribal brethren worship trees and plants and flowers like gods and goddesses." 


Friday, 26 October 2018

Malpua to Seviyan Kheer: You must try these delicious recipes this Karva Chauth

Karva Chauth, one of the most popular festival among married Indian women, falls on the fourth day of the Kartik month in the luni-solar calendar. Young and married women spend the entire day without food and water to pray for the safety and long life of their better half, fiancé or desired husband. The rigorous day-long fast is broken in the evening with several scrumptious delicacies that are laid down after the moon rises.
The festival is observed in full swing in the North Indian states of Himachal Pradesh, Punjab, Uttar Pradesh, Haryana, Rajasthan as well as Madhya Pradesh. We have rounded up some quick and easy recipes to make your Karva Chauth a lot more special for you this year.

Malpua by Hebbar’s Kitchen

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For malpua
1 cup – Maida / plain flour / all purpose flour
½ cup – Rava / semolina / bombay rava / sooji
¼ cup – Sugar
½ tsp – Fennel / saunf powdered
¼ tsp – Cardamom powder / elachi powder
½ cup – Milk / rabri
Water as required to prepare batter
Oil for deep frying
Rabri for serving
Dry fruits for garnishing
For sugar syrup
1 cup – Sugar
½ cup – Water
¼ tsp – Cardamom powder / elachi powder
Few threads of saffron
Note: 1 cup = 255 ml
* In a large mixing bowl, take maida, rava, and sugar and add fennel powder and cardamom powder.
* Add milk or rabri and mix well making sure there are no lumps in the batter. Add water if required. Make sure the batter is of smooth pouring consistency
* Further whisk the batter for at least 5 minutes. Cover and let it rest for 30 minutes.
* Pour a few spoonful of the batter into hot oil/ghee.
* Once the malpua starts to float, splash oil over it. Also press gently with the help of a perforated spoon. The malpuas will puff up like pooris
* Now fry both sides till they turn golden brown.
* Drain the malpuas onto a kitchen towel to remove excess oil.
* Now soak the malpuas into the hot sugar syrup.
* Rest for 10 minutes making sure both the sides of malpua are soaked well.
* Serve them hot with rabri.

Moong Dal Gulgule Curry by Swaad Anusaar

For Gulgule:
1/2 cup – Soaked moong dal
1-3 – Green Chilies
1/ tsp – Water
1/ tsp – Salt
Caraway seeds
Oil as required
For the gravy:
4 – Tomatoes
1/2 tsp – Red chili powder
Approximately 1 litre water for the gravy
1/2 tsp – Sugar
1 cup – Milk
* Heat a wok, add oil and let it heat.
* In a mixer jar, add soaked moong dal, green chilies and grind it for few seconds.
* Add water to the dal and grind it again to a paste-like consistency.
* Once you’re done grinding, transfer it to a bowl and add salt and caraway seeds.
* Mix them well. Make rounds of the batter and leave it inside the hot oil.
* Fry them nicely, until they’re golden brown in colour. Once they are done take them out on a plate.
In a jar, add tomatoes and grind them.
* In a vessel, heat oil and add caraway seeds, ginger.
* Fry them nicely until the raw smell goes away. Add the tomato puree, salt, red chili powder, and water.
* After adding the water, give it 2-3 boils on high flame – the gravy is ready.
* After you are done cooking it, add milk and keep stirring. You can serve the curry with gulgule in it.

Seviyan Kheer by Ruchkar Mejwani

karva chauth, karva chauth recipes, karva chauth 2018, karva chauth food, karva chauth sweets, karva chauth desserts, karva chauth sweet recipes, karva chauth special recipes, indian express, karva chauth news, indian express newsSeviyan Kheer forms a part of Sargi of Karva Chauth fast. (Source: YouTube/Ruchkar Mejwani)
2 tbsp – Ghee
1 Cup – Vermicelli
1 Litre – Milk
1 Cup – Sugar
1 tsp – Cardamom Powder
* In a pan, heat some ghee. Add the vermicelli and roast it well. Then add raisins and dry fruits and mix everything well.
* Add milk and mix it well. Let it boil completely. Then add sugar, keep stirring
* Add cardamom powder and keep stirring.
* Let the kheer boil till it becomes a little thick.Garnish it with coriander.
 Garnish it with dry fruits and serve.

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