Kareena Kapoor Khan is considered to be a fashionista for a reason. Her sartorial choices never fail to inspire and it was no different this time. The Veere Di Weddingactor was recently attending the Social media Summit Awards and was spotted wearing a stunning dress with mirror detailing from the label Atelier Zuhra. The outfit greatly complimented her svelte frame. Styled by celebrity stylist Mohit Rai, the look was rounded out with hair parted neatly at the centre, strappy heels and a shade of nude lipstick.
The festive season might have ended but we still cannot get over the actor’s fashion choices. Quite simply she slayed with one look at a time. We loved the sea green sari she had picked from Raw Mango as she attended Karan Johar's Diwali party. This was paired with a matching V-neck blouse and was accessorised with an emerald necklace. Dark-kohl eyes and a shade of nude lipstick complimented the look.
She had also stunned in a polka-dotted Chanderi sari from the label House Of Masaba. Styled by Rai again, it was teamed with a sleeveless black blouse and the look was completed with nude lipstick and dark kohl eyes. Needless to say, she looked ravishing.
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