Thursday, 14 March 2019

Agricultural method to produce poisonless crops, vegetables and fruits.

Most of the disease symptoms , we are suffering from nowadays,  are caused by the poisonous chemicals  ( Insecticides / pesticides / herbicides  etc ),  which we apply in the agricultural cultivation of all the crops.

These poisonous chemicals are taken up by the plants and trees  and then passed on to  the leaves, vegetables and fruits also. We purchase these vegetables, leaves of those plants and the fruits from the markets and eat them. The poisonous chemicals also get mixed up with the underground water and turn it poisonous. We drink such water and cook our food with this water. This water cannot be turned into potable water if passed through a water purifier.
As a result we eat the poisonous crops and drink poisonous water.
Due to this we become mentally and physically weak and start suffering from different diseases.
To get rid of such disease symptoms we have to eat poisonfree food and drink potable water only.   But it is very  very unfortunate to tell that such food ( prepared from poisonless crops and water ) are not available throughout  India. Citizens of all ages of all the states of India are suffering from such disease symptoms.
But there is one way if we produce plants and some small sized trees in our gardens  or  roofs without applying any poisonous chemical and by rain water. Contact us, as and when you require fertilizer for applying in such agriculture. It is not at all costly. Please take proper steps not to keep your plants and trees in contact of the land on which some type of agricultural cultivation has been done earlier. As such earlier cultivation has turned the land poisonous.

You will become free of all types of mental and physical symptoms if you produce such quantity of crops, vegetables and fruits  as you and your family require. And then and then only you and your family members will be able to enjoy real enjoyable life. Nice and beautiful life.
The agricultural method is very simple and easy. Please try it. Create a beautiful  society.


  1. Immensely important way to become free of all types of diseases without any additional cost for treatment and food.

  2. মানুষের খুব উপকারী তথ্য

  3. This is a post which will same us.


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